Self-commentary for the Modern Hungarian Oriental Music series
My first album specifically based on the principles and sounds of Eastern music was the album Modern Hungarian Maqam from 2010. This music was inspired …
Here you will find articles, interviews, and album reviews about my work and me, as well as my own writings that explore the deeper layers of music, including its philosophical and spiritual dimensions.
My first album specifically based on the principles and sounds of Eastern music was the album Modern Hungarian Maqam from 2010. This music was inspired …
Solponticello was formally launched in October 2001. The idea had been in my mind for about a year or two prior, a way to put under one umbrella my promotional and musical activities …
Sándor Szabó & Kevin Kastning: ParabolaGraydisc Records – GDR3505 Features: Szabó Sándor / 6 and 12 tring baritone guitars, Kevin Kastning / 6 and 12 …
The new Szabó / Kastning CD is out, thank God, and it’s another gem in a line of duet releases carrying on the best of …
Echolocation I – Sacred Spaces Echolocation I was born as a result of extended musical and acoustic experiments between 1997 and 1999. This period coincided …
The recordings of the albums called On the path of Manes and The last sunbeams of the Golden Age were recorded in 2009-2012. In this period we met weekly. …
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